torsdag 23. februar 2012
Samisk Politi
Turnrevyen fra Honningsvåg fikk med seg to priser under årets fylkesrevyfestival i Lakselv. De fikk pris for beste sketsj og vant også publikumsprisen for sin sketsj "Samisk politi".
Where Do Freshwater Pearls Come From?
Although the traditional source of pearls has been saltwater mollusks, freshwater mussels, which live in ponds, lakes and rivers, can also produce pearls. China has harvested freshwater pearls in the form of mabe since the 13th century, and has now become the world's undisputed leader in freshwater pearl production. The first record mentioning pearls in China was from 2206 BC. The United States was also a major source of natural freshwater pearls, from the discovery of the New World, through the 19th century, until over-harvesting and increasing pollution significantly reduced the number of available pearl-forming mussels in the US.
Related Articles and Forum Threads:
- Freshwater vs Akoya
- Freshwater vs Cultured
- Innovation in Freshwater Pearl Culture
- Exotic Freshwater Pearls
- Tissue or Bead - The Debate
- Freshadama Freshwater Pearls
The Appeal of Freshwater Pearls
Generally speaking, freshwater pearls are not as round as saltwater pearls, and they do not have the same sharp luster and shine as akoya pearls. However, they appear in a wide variety of shapes and natural colors, and they tend to be less expensive than saltwater pearls, making them very popular with younger people and designers. Also, because freshwater pearls are solid nacre, they are also quite durable, resisting chipping, wear, and degeneration.
China Leads The World In Freshwater Pearl Production
With a total production of 1,500 tons in 2006,
China holds a monopoly over the pearl industry today. Although the
birth of the Chinese freshwater pearl industry is traced back to the
area around Shanghai, freshwater pearls are now produced in all the
surrounding provinces including: Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei,
Hunan, and Jianxi. Local pearl trade is conducted mainly in the cities
of Zhuji (Shanxiahu), Suzhou, Wuxi, Wenling, and Weitang. The largest
marketplace for these freshwater pearls is the world's pearl trading
hub, Hong Kong.
What Makes Freshwater Pearls Different?
Freshwater pearls
differ from other cultured pearls, in that the great majority of them
are not bead-nucleated. Freshwater mollusks are nucleated by creating a
small incision in the fleshy mantle tissue of a 6 to 12 month old
mussel, then inserting a 3mm square piece of mantle tissue from a donor
mussel. Upon insertion, the donor, (graft) tissue is twisted slightly,
rounding out the edges. What happens after this point is really just
speculation. Some believe that this tissue acts as a catalyst in
producing a pearl sac thus making the 'nucleation' actual 'activation'.
Others believe the tissue molds with the host to create a pearl sac,
while still others maintain the tissue is the actual nucleus.
Although it is said that a freshwater mollusk can withstand up to 25
insertions per valve, it is common industry practice to perform only
12-16 insertions in either valve, for a total production of 24-32
pearls. The mollusks are then returned to their freshwater environment
where they are tended for 2-6 years. The resulting pearls are of solid
nacre, but without a bead nucleus to guide the growth process the
pearls are rarely perfectly round.
What Makes Today’s Freshwater Pearls So Much Better?
Japans Freshwater Pearl Industry, A Rough History
onsdag 22. februar 2012
Skiforeningen vil ha tilbake bikkja i bakken
tirsdag 14. februar 2012
Google Cash Sniper
Google Cash Sniper
mandag 13. februar 2012
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søndag 12. februar 2012
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