a Video Game Tester, You:
PAID to test the NEWEST,
MOST POPULAR releases from companies like Blizzard, CAPCOM, EA Games,
Microsoft, Nintendo and more
- months before anyone else!
"WORK" FROM HOME and game as little or as much as you WANT - completely around your own schedule! The more games you play, the more you get paid!
Pay your RENT and ALL YOUR BILLS by spending as much time gaming as you do now - only playing the newest games to be JUST developed!
KEEP all the games you test! Imagine how much you can save on video game costs alone!
GET ACCESS to all of the hidden cheat codes, level secrets and developer codes ONLY game testers ever find out about!
Get REAL experience for FURTHER game industry careers! Ask any major game company for a job as a game developer or designer - and they'll ask you how many years you've spent testing their games!
Get essential high-level CONNECTIONS. No level of education will get your foot in the door in the video game industry unless you "know people". If you're passionate about games - game testers network and make the best high-level private connections!