I've said this before..
Another threat that Obama mentioed was ISIS. Well who on earth armed them?
Who armed the Syrians fighting with Assad?
Who created the neccesary political/ informational climate that facilitated this situation?
Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?
Do you really understand as to who is figkting in Syria? They are merceneries, mostly.
Do you understand they are paid money? Mercenaries fight for whichever side pays more.
So they arm them and pay them a certain amount. I even know what these amounts are.
So they fight, they have arms, you can't get them to return the weapons of course, at the end..
Then they discover elsewhere pays little more..So they go fight there..
Then they occupy the oil fields.
Wherever; in Iraq, in Syria..They start extracting the oil -and this oil is puchased by somebody.
Where are the sanctions on the parties purchasing this oil?.
Do you belive the US does know who is buying it? Is it not their allies that are buying oil from ISIS?
Do you not think the US has the power to influence their allies?
Or is the point that they indeed do not wish to influence them?
Then why bomb ISIS?
In areas where they started extracting oil and paying mercernaries more.. In those areas the rebels from 'civilised* Syrian opposition forces. Immediately joined ISIS..Because they are paid more. I consider this absolutely unproffessional politics. It is not grounded on facts, in the real world.
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